RuneScape’s tales are a rich tapestry of mythology, stories, and adventures, and the game’s globe is enormous. “Beneath Cursed Sands” distinguishes among its adventures as a complex fusion of suspense, strategy, and storyline. Let’s analyze the parched Kharidian desert and see what surprises this mission has.
Previous quests finished:
- Contact!: This one is one of the adventures in the desert series that delves deeply into the Kharidian Desert’s secrets.
- Prince Ali Rescue: In this traditional quest, players must rescue Prince Ali from Lady Keli’s grasp.
- Icthlarin’s Little Helper: In this game, players go on an adventure centered on the deity Icthlarin and the desert city of Sophanem.
- Finding Gertrude’s missing cat is a simple quest in RuneScape, and it introduces players to the feline community.
Requirements for Skill
- Agility 62: This degree of Agility is required to complete specified activities or get past certain roadblocks in the quest. Notably, you cannot utilize temporary boosts to achieve the criteria since this skill level cannot be increased.
- Crafting level 55: This sill is required for certain of the quest’s creation chores. The same as Agility, this talent cannot be enhanced.
- Firemaking 55: Throughout the adventure, particularly in the Desert, firemaking is crucial. Once again, you cannot fulfill this criteria by using boosters.
An important thing is that both skills and items can take a while if you haven’t farmed enough, taking into account OSRS has a multitude of skills.

For that reason, I normally recommend Chicks Gold as one of the ultimate places to purchase OSRS gold, so you can stop worrying too much if your time is too limited for the time.
Necessary Items
- Coal is a basic material often utilized in forging or certain other types of crafting.
- The iron bar: a basic smithing tool created from iron ore.
- Tinderbox: Use it to set logs and other burnable stuff on fire. This is super important for fire making.
- A tool often used for digging in RuneScape quests is the spade.
- Meat, cooked or raw: Fish is ineligible for this quest’s requirements. Uncooked yak meat is also inappropriate. If you still need these things, you may buy them later in the quest at a store.
Suggestions for Items and Skills, although They Are Not Required:
- Fighting Level 85: This isn’t a mandatory prerequisite; however, given the difficulties of the quest, having a fighting level of roughly 85 may be helpful.
- Items like waterskins or the Desert Amulet 4 may help protect from the desert heat.
- To reverse any poisoning symptoms, use any anti-poison.
- Dramen Staff: It is pretty useful to get access to fairy rings. Use code “app,” which is related to this quest.
- The Pharaoh’s Sceptre is useful for teleporting directly to the necropolis.
- Food, melee weapons, and ranged combat equipment are necessities for the quest’s fighting tasks.
- Use stamina potions to retain energy throughout prolonged running or battle.
- Items or spells that can transfer you to Nardah, such as a Nardah teleport or the Desert amulet 2+, might be helpful.
Walking Through:
Getting Started
- Speak with Jamila at her stand in Sophanem.
- Accept her offer to give you a special gift. She will attempt to put a gold ring on your finger while secretly communicating with you.
- Read the letter that Jamila sent you. It will refer to a rendezvous in a campground near cliffs east of the city.
Menaphites with Entrances
- Make your way to the campground, located north of the little mining area along the cliffs. Maisa, an agent of Al Kharid, is found here.
- A short talk with Maisa will be followed by a cinematic that transports you to the necropolis.
- You may use the Pharaoh’s scepter to commune with the obelisk next to the mine in the necropolis to enable future teleportation.
- In the southeast, go to the Jaltevas Pyramid. When attempting to examine the barred entrance, a cutscene will start. The Head Menaphite Guard and two other guards will be your opponents.
- Kill the Head Menaphite Guard without utilizing overhead prayers since he will attack you severely.
- You’ll discover Amascut’s participation and her ambitions when you beat him. After that, get back to Maisa’s camp.
The Ullek Ruins
- You may talk to Maisa in her camp. Then, as she instructs, you’ll go to the Ruins of Ullek.
- Use coal and a tinderbox to start the furnace at the well.
- To find a secret chest, look for a stone tablet in the well and follow its instructions. To open the chest and get a scarab mold, enter the code 1118513.
- Make an iron scarab emblem by the furnace using the scarab mold and an iron bar.
- To open the door ahead, place the symbol into the pillar before the stairs and turn it so the scarab faces downward.

- Prepare for a battle against two Scarab Mages as you descend the stairs. Defeat them and descend farther.
The Tomb Riddle:
- As you go around the tomb, watch out for traps and missiles.
- Find the solution to the numerous emblems-related enigma in the tomb. The solution to this puzzle requires deciphering hints on the proper placement of the urn’s insignia.
- Once the emblems are in their proper positions, go forward by pulling a neighboring lever.
- Mehhar, have a dialogue with the spirit. You’ll be given a rusty key and important information.
The Scabaras Champion:
- Get ready for a boss battle with the Scabaras Champion. Wear ranged weapons and keep supplies close to reach.
- To enter the Champion, open the door with the rusted key.
- Maintain a safe distance while fighting, dodging the Champion’s special strikes.
- Speak with the High Priest of Scabaras after you’ve defeated the Champion to find out more information.
Cure Me of the Pox:
- Visit the store Zahur has in Nardah. You’ll discover the causes of thepox and its treatment.
- Pick up a Lily of the Elid on an island west of Nardah while luring a crocodile away with meat.
- Give the lily back to Zahur and help her set up her chemical setup so she can make the cure.
- Send the remedy to Sophanem’s High Priest.
Battle against Menaphite Akh:
- Get ready for another battle with the Menaphite Akh. This time, melee weapons are advised.
- Fight the Akh, concentrating on her while avoiding the Menaphite Shadow and her unique attacks.
- After the Akh is conquered, the quest will end after a string of cutscenes and dialogues.
Players Are Rewarded Handsomely For Their Courage And Intelligence:
- Gain 50,000 Agility experience points and two quest points.
- Open the doors to the Amascut Tombs.
- Obtain special items like the Keris partisan and the water circlet.
- And other things reveal new teleportation options.
“Beneath Cursed Sands” is not just another quest; it’s a testament to RuneScape’s enduring legacy as a game that makes the journey as satisfying as the rewards. This quest is an unforgettable experience, regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a curious newcomer.